Jun 07 2009
Where are today’s Leonardos?
Find this upbeated article in USA Today. And like to keep it here for Shirley & Brian’s tomorrow mind.
Where are today’s Leonardos?
During the Renaissance, students of creative thought — like da Vinci — forever changed the world with foresight and intellect. Today, with a full plate of daunting challenges, here comes the Class of 2009.
By Howard A. Zucker
In the coming weeks, close to 3 million students from across the nation will don caps and gowns, receive diplomas and walk off into an uncertain future. Though economic times might temper the twinkle in their eyes, there is reason to be confident that amid the crowd of graduates are modern-day Leonardo da Vincis whose intellect will solve our global dilemmas.
(Da Vinci: Born in Italy in 1452 and died in 1519./ AP)
Just as 15th century Florence, Italy, brought us the Renaissance and all the miraculous art and architecture, so too can this moment become a turning point for society. Perhaps it is time for a rebirth, a time to create a better world through the energies of the Class of 2009.
This past semester, as a fellow at the Institute of Politics at Harvard University , I witnessed realistic global development projects spun out of the imaginations of Harvard and MIT students. A dialogue with optimistic minds provided for a conversation with tomorrow and a glimpse into the unimaginable.
The Renaissance was a period when our search to perfect one’s worldly knowledge transcended obstacles and bridged intellectual divides. Students of creative thought — including da Vinci, Michelangelo, Copernicus and Galileo— questioned conventional wisdom. And at that precise moment in history, the Earth was finally accepted as round and the concept of human genius was defined.
Theories abound as to what caused the Renaissance. Some claim that the bubonic plague of the mid-14th century brought thinkers to focus upon the human condition.
Maybe our global economic meltdown is today’s plague, or perhaps our expanding carbon footprint, or a looming pandemic of our own. Whatever wrinkle in time that one attributes our state of affairs to, let’s capture the chance and find opportunities to shape a better future. Just as Leonardo, the quintessential persona of the Florentine Renaissance, invented intricate pieces of engineering and explored the mysteries of human anatomy, so too walk — with crisp diploma in hand — visionaries who will shape our tomorrows in ways we only can dream.
Rejuvenation epoch
Could the modern era made up of greed, famine, disease and war be coming to a close? Are the bright eyes of our youthful graduates taking us toward the beginning of a new Renaissance, an era that I choose to call the rejuvenation epoch — a time when we join hands for a better cause?
The chance for greatness exists. It might be in Seattle or Beijing, Dubai or New Delhi, but it breathes the air of enthusiasm. And whoever it might be, he or she will build a new vehicle of thought that crosses allegorical oceans where the storms of uncertainty will lead to a better horizon, a new era for a new world order.
If we could whisk Leonardo from his artist’s pallet and transport him to today, what wonders would he be thinking of? Would he question the escalating gap between rich and poor societies, or tinker with intricate gadgets that cleanse the skies from the crumbs of pollution, or ponder the millions of preventable deaths in developing nations? The foundation behind the Renaissance scholars was the belief in the power of human ingenuity. It was a period when anything was thought possible and hence everything became possible.
The world yearns for inspirational Renaissance gurus. And though pragmatists claim that money is paramount to splendid achievements, the real currency for change requires more than dollars, euros, or yen. It requires a collective will to guarantee a paradigm shift — the vision to secure a better world for future generations.
A new day for history
Let us recognize that the new moment, this rejuvenation epoch, is happening through grand thoughts and grander accomplishments of this season’s graduates. Let this century show, when the world welcomes the year 2100, that the seed was planted by a cross-cultural society at the dawn of the millennium to cast away global troubles of poverty, inequity in human rights, a pandemic called AIDS and a climate in upheaval. Just as the Renaissance masters cast away conventional concepts, so too shall we discard friction that creates inertia in our thoughts. Let’s spawn a new generation, entrusting in those with cap and gown the ambitious objectives of securing a better planet.
The world is more than ready for 21st century Leonardos who dare to make the impossible happen. Let our renaissance fashion a new day for history when the world reached across societal divides and embraced a better tomorrow. The morning’s light has come. We are ready for the Class of 2009 to help us across the threshold into our own Florentine moment.
Howard A. Zucker is a physician and attorney who served as U.S. deputy assistant secretary of health and as assistant director-general of the World Health Organization. He is now a resident fellow at the Institute of Politics at Harvard University.
Sep 21 2007
2008 中国台湾的历史分水岭
晚上去刘伯家吃饭。刘伯是一退休的国民党空军上校,铁杆深蓝。谈到明年的台湾总统大选,他有一个看法,就是马英九要吗以大票数赢,要吗以大票数输, 不会再是2000年,2004年那样的胜负系于毫发的情形。他的看法是台湾要吗是民众彻底被民萃主义操控,彻底抛弃国民党,则国民党彻底惨败,彻底退出历史舞台(起码是前台);要吗是民众对民进党失望的总爆发,希望有台湾历史进程的一个新方向,(但可以肯定,台湾民众不会彻底抛弃民进党)。简言之,明年的台湾总统大选,将是台湾历史的一个分水岭。
Sep 07 2007
Sep 07 2007
Your Children are not Your Children
几个月前偶尔读到 Kahlil Gibran (纪伯伦)的这首小诗:
Your Children are not Your Children
by Kahlil GibranYour Children are not Your Children
They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
每次重读,还是百感交集,无可言说。“You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. “
周末带Shirley 和Brian 去海边, 看他们在沙滩上建他们的王国。久久无语。
Sep 07 2007
天涯上有一讨论粤语俚语”顶你个肺“的含义及源自的帖子,上面讨论颇为热烈。 这句话的用途,含义是明白的;是一轻度粗俗的口头语,大致如”靠“,”操“一类。 其源自则有两种说法比较靠谱。一是”牛心马肺“;一是”顶心顶肺“。”顶心顶肺”可解作事情不顺心, “一口气顶在心上”。而“牛心马肺”则是颇为粗鄙的话,竟为牛马的生殖器粗长, 可“顶心顶肺”云。 ”顶你个肺“则类如”操死你“。 如此看来,也可能两说其源于一,都不是好话。
粤语中还有一话叫”快过打针“,形容事情完结得快速。此话粗看颇不可解,形容快速大有其它更好的比喻,文雅如”白驹过隙“;”打针“实不能说快。 但其实,这也是一与性有关的话,标准用语叫”早泄“。如此看则也是一颇为精到的俚语。
Sep 03 2007
昨晚与Brian洗澡,说他头发长了,我的头发也长,明天一起理发去。他说,如果头发继续长,盖住眼睛,再长,长到肚脐眼,我们就成了Fur Ball了。 你是大Fur Ball,我是小Fur Ball。小Fur Ball可以藏在大Fur Ball 肚子里。
今天到Great Clip 理发店。排队到我们后,我让Brian 先理。过好一会,我也开始理了。 我理好后,Brian 还在理。他坐得一本正经,理发阿姨也一本正经。好了后,阿姨对我说:”He really has a lot of hair.” 我只好摸摸我半秃的前额。
出门,阿姨送了一个气球。Brian说: ”噢,这是理完发后的Fur Ball“。
Apr 23 2007
叶利钦去世, 此间广播称 He engineered the final collapse of the Soviet Union and pushed Russia to embrace democracy and a market economy. Engineered 这词有点意思。我倒不觉得他真的“设计”了苏联的崩溃。 只是在恰当的时候,做了历史车轮的恰当推手。
Apr 11 2007
哈,这可不是教你减肥的文章。 欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)建造的核子加速器将于今年夏天投入运行 。 全世界的物理学家都在注目这项实验,甚至很多非物理学家也在关注,因为这项实验会对回答自然世界的一些最基本问题提出提示,例如自牛顿时代以来,科学家都知道物质质量的重力作用,但他们迄今仍不清楚,重力是什么? 从何处而来? –我们不知道你为什么重180斤,物理学家说。
这个27英里长,深埋地下300英尺的加速器横跨瑞士和法国. 它将把粒子束加速到接近光速然后对撞。 每一微小的粒子将携带如一狂奔的巴士般的能量对撞。对撞后将会发生什么?这是所有物理学家翘首以待的。 根据爱因斯坦著名的E=MC2公式,能量将转换为物质。 什么物质?现在没有人知道。
一些人担心物理学家们可能太冒犯到上帝的领域了,他们担心实验会产生黑洞,从而毁灭地球。 因为毕竟人类从来没有做过这种临界的实验,不知道将会产生什么。但科学家说毁灭地球的黑洞不太可能产生,微型的黑洞倒是可能产生,也是科学家们希望观察到的。 他们说,如果这些粒子失控,它们将打出一个50英尺长的洞,这就是为什么科学家要把加速器深埋地下300英尺以策安全。
Apr 05 2007
Firefox 搬家
最近新买了个Notebook,自然要装Firefox。而我原来Firefox上的一堆时刻不能少的插件自然要一起搬家。 于是琢磨怎么搬。网上搜了一下,似乎都语焉不详。 又试了好些工具,如
Firefox Extension Backup Extension (FEBE)
又如 都不行,甚至还带来麻烦。 最后发现,其实Firefox 本身的 Profile 设计就是可以让你非常容易的搬家的。步骤如下:
- Windows 中到目录:C:Documents and Settings你的用户名Application DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles。 该目录下应该有至少一个子目录(取决于你有用多少个Profile,如你从来不知道有Profile, 则应该只有缺省的一个)名字样子如 4fqellt0.default,即八个随机产生的字符加.default 后缀。 把这个子目录文件夹整个复制出来,到比如U盘上。
- 可以把这个目录重命名,换成有意义的名字,如”张三.default”, 注意要保留.default 后缀。
- 把整个目录复制到新电脑的 C:Documents and Settings你的用户名Application DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles 之下。
- 运行Firefox Profile 管理: Start -》 Run -》 在命令行中输入 firefox -p, 回车执行。出现以下画面:
点击“Create Profile” 然后 “Next”,出现
输入你的Profile Name, 如“张三”。然后点击“Choose Folder”, 选择你刚才复制进去的Profile 目录:“张三.default”, 然后完成。
- 重新打开Firefox,你的一切设置,包括插件,书签,密码等等,应该都全部完整地搬过来了。
Apr 05 2007
在线办公工具 (Office Suite)
我一直不认为在线的Office四大件工具会有什么用处。 总是想,编辑,管理这些文件当然是在本地机器上高效。 但最近发现,把整个Office搬到线上还是有他道理的。
- 现在人们有越来越多机会是在不止一台电脑上工作。 家里,办公室,加上PDA,手机等,都是信息数据处理终端。 而数据源的Accessability (随时随地)决定了其最佳储存点就是Internet. 一旦文档本身是在网上,那么编辑,管理工具也在网上也就很自然了, 免了上传,下载的麻烦。
- 方便多人协同。与Workflow相结合将是有力的企业应用。 例如报销单据的审批。
- 方便网上发布, 如Blog.
- 配合Google的无敌搜索, 可以是一个完整的CMS(content management system) 或 KMS (Knowledge Management System). 不论文档是在本地硬盘,还是在网上的某处,其实都不重要,重要的是文档,或信息,的组织方式。
对企业而言,还有一个最致命的:价钱! 微软的Office Suite 要几百美金。 对任何公司都是不小的费用。
现在我已是每天使用Google Doc & Spreadsheets. 感觉到它的方便,但也同时体验到它的远未成熟。
- 文档格式功能与MS Word 仍有很大距离。 一些基本的功能如 “Tabel of Content” 等都不易实现。 相信这一定程度上也取决于CSS的成熟。 一切网上的文件,或在将来,一切的文件,不论网上,网下, 都将以CSS来做格式化。 包括所谓Document template 等(目前Google D&S 都不支持) 其实都是CSS实现的问题.
- 文档管理:由于没有了文件夹(directory or folder)的概念,完全依赖tag来管理文件。 这样就一定要有储存“定制的搜索”的功能, 如RTM的smart list功能。否则,当面对大量文件,及大量的tag时,每次都要用户重复输入搜索条件来找出文件,这就成了大问题。 目前Google 不提供。 这也可以由Firefox addon, 如Gmail GTD;或Greasemonkey User script 来实现。 但我查了一下,似乎都没有。 希望有心人出现。 闲话一句,从Firefox Addon 及 User Script 的数量可以看出,目前为止,Google的产品中,似只有Gmail是超级成功的。
- Google D&S 应该大力增强所谓 Web Clipping 的功能,使其其成为网上信息摘取,组织的工具,为进一步配合Google的无敌Search,成为真正的CMS或KMS打好基础。 简言之,就是把Google NoteBook 融入其中。 我看Google Notebook 实在是个过渡产品,它现在就有“Convert to Google Docs” 的功能,已经是打好伏笔了。
- Google D&S 的卖点之一是方便网上发布, 如Blog. 但它居然不能支持多个Blog。 这种基本功能的欠缺可见它真的”远未成熟“。
总之,现在看来,在线的Office 是颇值得关注的方向。
Mar 31 2007
Playlist:雨歇微凉 (2) Vincent

据说,网上出售的临摹名画,梵高的这幅《Starry Night》是最畅销的。而Don McLean的这首 《Vincent》(Starry starry night)无疑也是最雅俗共赏的。但我真怀疑,有多少人真正明白其中的所谓“罪与自救”:
“how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.”
我们都不过是“ragged men in ragged clothes”,所谓席贩狗屠者流,不过盐咸水淡,亦有所感,而已,而已。
Don McLean 《Vincent》 Starry starry night
paint your palette blue and greylook out on a summer’s day
with eyes that know the
darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills
sketch the trees and the daffodilscatch the breeze and the winter chills
in colors on the snowy linen land.
And now I understand what you tried to say to mehow you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen
they did not know howperhaps they’ll listen now.
starry night
flaming flo’rs that brightly blazeswirling clouds in violet haze reflect in
Vincent’s eyes of China blue.
Colors changing hue
morning fields of amber grainweathered faces lined in pain
are soothed beneath the artist’s
loving hand.
And now I understand what you tried to say to mehow you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
perhaps they’ll listen now.For they could not love you
but still your love was trueand when no hope was left in sight on that starry
starry night.
You took your life
as lovers often do;
But I could have told you
this world was never
meant for one
as beautiful as you.Starry
starry night
portraits hung in empty hallsframeless heads on nameless walls
with eyes
that watch the world and can’t forget.
Like the stranger that you’ve metthe ragged men in ragged clothes
the silver thorn of bloddy rose
lie crushed and broken
on the virgin snow.
And now I think I know what you tried to say to mehow you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen
they’re not
list’ning still
perhaps they never will.
Mar 28 2007
GSpace 及在线硬盘
一个我经常使用的Firefox Addon 是 GSpace. 基本上它可以把你的2G GMail Account 空间变成一个网络硬盘来用。 它的使用非常方便。安装后你的Firefox 底栏状态条上会出现一个小图标,点击即打开一个窗口显示你的GSpace硬盘, 如下图示。 你可以通过鼠标拖放来在本地硬盘与GSpace硬盘之间传输文件。 每上传一个文件, 你的GMail会收到一条email, 把这些emails 存档就好。
我基本上把GSpace当成一个参考书架, 把一些常用,备查的书或资料放在上面, 这样的话,不论人到哪里,这些资料都随时可以在手边。
自从使用了这个GSpace以后,我的GMail空间消耗快速上升。 现在已有点担心1G的空间不够用了。 今天看到Yahoo将推出无限空间eMail 的消息, 就希望有类似的Firefox addon for Yahoo mail.
当然,你也可以注册多个GMail帐户, 而GSpace是可以同时管理多个GMail帐户的。这样实际上一如GSpace网站上说的你可以有无限的网络空间。